Symposium / フォーラム
10月Symposium『 HAMRを中心としたデータストレージの最前線 』
- 日 時
- 2024年10月10日(木) 10:30〜17:10 (終了後、懇親会)
- 場 所
- ウエスタンデジタルテクノロジーズ合同会社 藤沢事業所
English program
- 10:30-10:40
高野 公史 氏
- 10:40-11:20
Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording: 6 TB/disk demonstration and opportunities for 10 TB/disk and beyond
Seagate Technology
Sr Director, Seagate Research
Stephanie Hernandez 氏
High areal density Heat Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) demonstrations will be presented. Over 3.5 Tfcpsi, equating to over 6.2 TB/disk, has been achieved at spin-stand, serving as proof of concept of what may be achievable in a recording system through intelligent component and system design. Data on 4 TB/disk fully-formated, factory-processed, HAMR drives will also be presented. HAMR sub-system modeling shows 8 TB/disk and beyond are possible with novel designs and aggressive component scaling. Finally, promising technological candidates for extending HAMR capacity beyond 10 TB/disk will be discussed.
- 11:20-12:00
<Presentation Materials> ※資料UPしました!(10/11)東芝デバイス&ストレージ株式会社
竹尾 昭彦 氏市場の大容量ストレージ確保に対する期待は、AI社会に向けますます増大していると言える。前回のシンポジウムではMAMR/HAMRそれぞれの技術での30TBを超える装置容量のデモンストレーションを紹介したが、今回はそれを支える基盤技術や今後の高容量化に伴い必要となる周辺技術を含め、HAMR製品に必要な技術開発について紹介する。
- 12:00-13:20
Lunch Time
- 13:20-14:00
Maximizing Areal Density: Leveraging HAMR and SMR Technology for the Future of HDD Data Storage
<Presentation Materials> ※資料UPしました!(10/23)Western Digital Company
VP for Recording Sub-System Integration
Kris Schouterden 氏As the industry continues to push the boundaries of areal density, Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) has emerged as the next pivotal advancement in data storage. This presentation will focus on maximizing capacity gains through the integration of HAMR technology, particularly highlighting the significant leap in capacity offered by the introduction of UltraSMR. The SMR uplift is achieved through a combination of intrinsic and extrinsic improvements. While substantial SMR gains have already been productized through ePMR technology, we will demonstrate that combining HAMR with SMR technology will propel the growth trajectory of HDD recording technology, ensuring that HDDs remain a cornerstone of data infrastructure.
- 14:00-14:40
<Presentation Materials>日本アイ・ビー・エム株式会社
佐々木 貴史 氏データは溜まる一方で放っておけば未整理のまま、コピーや世代が増え離れた拠点に散乱し、運用・維持コストが増大していってしまいます。いざAI学習においてデータを使おうとするとすぐに利用できなかったり、利用できても処理に膨大な時間がかかったりします。このような現場の課題を解決するにはどのような機能が必要でしょうか。実際の事例を交え、既存環境を大きく変えずにAIに最適なデータ利活用基盤を実現した賢い手法について具体的にご説明します。
- 14:40-15:00
- 15:00-15:40
Fast magnetization dynamics and lattice distortion for L10-FePt nano-granular thin films at elevated temperatures
<Presentation Materials>国立研究開発法人物質・材料研究機構(NIMS)
佐々木 悠太 氏Understanding the material parameters at high temperature is essential for HAMR media design. Interlayer diffusion, oxidization, thermal expansion and lattice distortion are possible factors that may affect the material parameters and magnetization dynamics at high temperatures in thin film samples.In order to discuss these temperature dependence of the material parameters, systematic measurements are necessary. In this study, we have performed XRD and FMR measurements at elevated temperatures for L10-FePt continuous and nano-granular thin films.Temperature dependence of lattice distortion, magnetic anisotropy and damping constant will be discussed.
- 15:40-16:20
<Presentation Materials> ※資料UPしました!(10/14)ソニーセミコンダクターソリューションズ株式会社
谷口 健博 氏HDD業界に携わる皆さまは、あまりレーザについて馴染みが無いとお聞きしています。 そこで、まず初めに、ソニーのレーザ事業の歴史と、現在の事業内容や組織体制とともに、レーザの基本的な動作原理のほかHAMR HDD用レーザビジネスの特徴について簡単にご紹介させていただきます。
- 16:20-17:00
HAMR HDD用サスペンション
<Presentation Materials> ※資料アップしました(10/15)日本発条株式会社
瀧川 健一 氏HDDサスペンションは低剛性なバネであり、磁気ヘッド位置決め特性を劣化させる要因となると同時に、最新のサスペンションは2個のアクチュエーターを内蔵しVCMと共にTriple stage actuator(TSA)として磁気ヘッド位置決めを担う部品である。 今後のハードディスクドライブ大容量化の最も重要な技術の一つはHAMRであり、記録密度向上は主にTPIの改善で進んでいくため磁気ヘッドの位置決めは更に重要になると考えられる。そこでHAMR用サスペンションと今後の高TPIに要求される特性と改善点をご紹介する。
- 17:00-17:10
IDEMA Inclusion委員会
霜越正義 氏
- 17:20-
English program
- 日 時
- 2024年5月16日(木) 10:00〜17:30 (終了後、懇親会)
- 場 所
- TKP新橋カンファレンスセンター15階(ホール15D)
- 10:00-10:10
高野 公史 氏
- 10:10-10:50
Storage Insights in the Age of AI
<資料>Microsoft Corporation
Principal Cloud Hardware Storage Architect
Cloud Hardware Infrastructure Engineering (CHIE)
Ulrich Hansen 氏The 'New Era of AI' has begun. It is becoming more apparent that 'this next generation of AI will reshape every software category and every business' (Satya Nadella), and as a result investments in AI solutions and infrastructure are accelerating dramatically. Microsoft is a global leader in AI, and Microsoft Azure Cloud provides leading infrastructure and application services for Cloud-based AI solutions. In Azure, we are actively revisiting and investing in all elements of AI solution infrastructure, including Storage. Building on Azure's learnings from the last several years of integrating Storage into AI-optimized systems and solutions, this talk will summarize the current state of Storage in Cloud-scale AI solutions and explore future trends for Storage in AI. The talk will include the role of Storage in various types of AI solutions across training and inference use cases and describe the role of both high-performance Storage co-located with the compute infrastructure as well as cost-effective remote Storage. Finally, Storage device implications for both devices based on magnetic and solid-state storage media will be addressed.
- 10:50-11:30
The HAMR Journey
<資料>Seagate Technology
Vice President Research
Edward Charles Gage 氏Today's heat assisted magnetic recording products trace their origins back to the hybrid optical magnetic recording developments in the mid 1990's. The HAMR technology development featured a number of key inventions including a whole new media recording layer based on ordered FePt and a plasmonic near field transducer. The ability to record on very high anisotropy granular media with a recording footprint defined by a thermal spot in the media, has allowed us to extend capacities to 3 TB/disk and beyond in a 3.5" form factor. Demonstrations at 5 TB/disk will be shown along with ideas to extend the technology to 10 TB/disk.
- 11:30-12:10
Next Generation HAMR head designs
<資料>TDK Headway Technologies Inc.
Chief Technical Officer
Moris Dovek 氏HAMR is generally accepted by the HDD industry as the technology of choice for extending areal density for several generations of future products. Transducer (NFT) and write head designs have aimed to improve thermal gradients and the alignment between magnetics and optics. While kbpi growth by improving thermal gradient has rendered diminishing returns, the path to areal density growth has been clearer with increased ktpi. The thermal gradient boost achieved by scaling NFT dimensions and other geometric improvements, especially when it also appears in the cross track thermal gradient, has translated to increased ktpi. This increased track density can be realized best if in combination with a narrow reader that follows the track pitch while maintaining head SNR. Effects of head field enhancements on areal density will also be addressed as well as outlining other areal density dependencies of the head structure.
- 12:10-13:10
Lunch Time
- 13:10-13:50
The Revolution of Tape
<資料>IBM Corporation
Director, TAPE & TS7700 Development
Chris Telford Teale 氏Since 1952, the evolution of tape storage has been well documented and is perceived as relatively predictable well into the future. But what if tape is actually on the verge of a revolution, thanks to AI and a popular enabler, S3. If so, it will take more than AI and S3 to bring on the Tape Revolution. Advancement in tape automation, originally designed for hyperscalers, is proving attractive to traditional tape lovers and ex-lovers alike. Learn how IBM is removing customer pain points while improving data rate and density in order to expand and re-launch tape into data centers around the world.
- 13:50-14:30
Data Storage Market Picks up Momentum
<資料>TrendFOCUS, Inc.
Mark Geenen 氏Long-anticipated improvements starting with hyperscale growth for nearline HDDs. After several quarters of of confusing and conflicting demand for data storage, the industry has reached a low point and has now bounced off that. Of course, demand patterns are unusual and non-linear, but the cloud is leading the storage industry back to growth and profitability. But how long will it last?
- 14:30-15:10
Understanding the Present and Potential of Area Density Capability for HAMR
<資料>Carnegie Mellon University
Data Storage Systems Center
ABB Professor of Engineering
Jimmy Zhu 氏In conventional perpendicular magnetic recording, magnetic grains of medium only have two saturated magnetization states along its magnetic easy axis. The resulting binary noise at recorded transitions yields the medium SNR to linearly depending on the number of grains across the data track width. In HAMR, this understanding is altered. The FePt-L10 grains can have domains trapped inside during a recording process, yields grains at transition centers to have zero or close-to-zero magnetic moments. The fractionally magnetized grains significantly reduce the binary noise, effectively enhancing the number of the grains across a recording track. This mechanism is responsible for the relatively high track density achieved today in HAMR.
Recent thermal erasure noise experimental measurements have confirmed the predicted existence of zero moment grains in current FePt-L10 HAMR media as well as the corresponding reduction of medium noise power. The zero moment state of the grains potentially gives rise to one additional state to the other two saturated state. This give rise to a possibility of 3-level recording in which the area recording density can be increased by 50% without any reduction of either track width or bit length. The talk will focus on the challenges in recording processes and potential schemes needed to enable the 3-level recording.
- 15:10-15:20
- 15:20-16:00
<資料> ※資料アップしました(5/17)東芝デバイス&ストレージ株式会社
竹尾 昭彦 氏データ駆動型社会の要求に応えるべくハードディスクドライブ(HDD)はこれまで継続的な容量拡大を実現しており、将来に渡ってもこの容量拡大を継続することが期待されている。 本講演では既に実現しつつある20〜30TBのHDD技術から、30〜40TB、50TB超に向けたSMR、MAMR、HAMR、多数枚実装等、種々の技術アプローチと東芝HDD製品の大容量化に向けた取組について紹介する。
- 16:00-16:40
Hard Disk Drive Innovations in The Era of Cloud Storage
<資料>Western Digital
Carl Che 氏In the last two decades, cloud centers have revolutionized our data storage methods, significantly accelerating data growth and ushering us into the zettabyte era. This revolution has also spurred new opportunities for HDD innovations to address the vast demand for cloud data storage.
With a focus on adapting to this cloud transformation, our industry has advanced innovative solutions specifically optimized to meet cloud storage needs. These include the development of Helium-filled drives, Ultra-Shingled Magnetic Recording (Ultra-SMR), and an advanced mechanical platform capable of scaling up to 1MTPI. These innovations are not merely incremental improvements; they represent significant shifts within the HDD industry, establishing new benchmarks in data storage capabilities.
As the pace of recording density increase is challenged by the thermal stability trilemma, these innovations have emerged as pivotal enablers in the lead-up to the transition to Heat-Assisted Magnetic Recording (HAMR) technology. They have been crucial for the industry to keep pace with the rapidly expanding storage requirements of the cloud.
With the introduction of these technologies and the onset of HAMR, our industry's technology roadmap has been significantly enhanced, positioning us to effectively accommodate the expected surge in cloud data volume, which is anticipated to be further accelerated by advancements in Artificial Intelligence.
- 16:40-17:20
<資料>株式会社 レゾナック・エレクトロニクス
坂本 剛志 氏世の中のデータストレージのニーズはより強くなっていっており、この要求を満たすべくハードディスクの大容量化が求められている。 そのためには記録密度の持続的な向上が必要不可欠であり、達成するためには磁気記録メディアの微細構造の設計が非常に重要となる。 本講演では次世代メディア開発の進展や課題、今後の展望について紹介する。
- 17:20-17:30
IDEMA Innovation委員会
酒井浩志 氏
- 17:30-